Global Express Carriers

Top Challenges Faced By Transportation Companies During Truck Dispatching

The transportation industry has been blooming for ages; with time, they have improved in technology. Gone are the days when people used to wait for months to get their goods transported to them. With the advancement in technology, the trucking industry has equipped itself with the latest technological tools and incorporated them into the workplace. A skilled and efficient workforce is the primary reason for a massive change in the transportation industry. The transportation and logistics industries play a significant role in keeping the global economy going. However, with high expectations, technological changes, a skilled workforce, and demand in the market, some trucking companies fail to hold a position in the market. There can be several reasons for their failure, but few manage to incorporate effective methods and overcome those changes. 

Truck dispatchers are viewed as the backbone of the trucking industry, and all operations from loading to unloading, pick-up to delivery lie on them. While the trucking industry is exploring a skilled and technically proficient workforce, they face other key challenges. This blog highlights some top challenges transportation companies face during truck dispatching. 

Top Five Challenges Faced During Truck Dispatching 

Trucking companies can be very profitable if they overcome these challenges by incorporating effective methods. Let us explore some challenges trucking companies face during truck dispatching that causes a huge failure, and even some plan to shut their business. 

Lack Of Skilled Workforce

In a trucking company, all operations rely entirely on truck drivers. While trucking companies face a shortage of skilled truck drivers, they also experience that truck drivers are not well-equipped with the latest technology. Nowadays, trucks are embedded with the latest gadgets, technological tools, and other equipment, which makes the trucking experience hassle-free. But with the lack of efficiency and skilled workforce, running the trucking business becomes crucial. 

Meeting The Delivery Windows

A delivery time window is a time slot offered by sellers or selected by customers for product delivery. Different companies provide different services to customers. Choosing the delivery time is one such feature. There is an increasing demand for online purchases, which in turn, has shrunk the delivery time windows. Hence, it becomes difficult for trucking companies to pack, sort, and deliver packages in a limited period. As a result, many companies fail to meet the delivery windows and incur huge losses in the business. 

Facing Route Issues

Routing is another problem faced by transportation companies because dispatchers sometimes have multiple orders at a time, and it gets challenging to deliver those orders promptly. In addition, truckers often experience unwanted scenarios such as road blockage due to construction, poor weather conditions, accidents, etc., resulting in a lengthier journey and delayed deliveries. 

Failing To Inform Customers

 As customers, we are more concerned about the delivery status of our package once we have placed the order. Online ordering with instant or one-day delivery options has made it convenient for customers to place orders. With the increasing demand for orders, dispatching companies are facing multiple issues. They fail to inform every customer about the status of their package through a manual dispatch system. Therefore, it hampers their experience, and out of frustration, they give negative reviews about the dispatching companies. 

Lack Of Technology

There are various technological tools and systems which provide a hassle-free experience to the dispatcher as well as to the customer. Many trucking companies operate a manual trucking dispatch setting, leading to many calls between dispatchers and drivers. This makes the delivery process slower and is prone to more errors, thus hampering the customer’s experience. Trucking companies need to play with technology to provide better services, which will also benefit the company. 


When we discuss the challenges trucking companies face, we realize that all these challenges are interconnected. For instance, if there is a lack of skilled workforce, then there will be no efficient truck drivers equipped with the latest technology, leading to a shortage of drivers, which delays services. In addition, the inescapable reality is the growing pressure to reduce logistics costs to benefit the company. But suppose the companies are unwilling to opt for a centralized software or system. In that case, they will not be able to manage these challenges, which will not lead to significant capital investment. Therefore, one should opt for a reliable trucking service provider that provides hassle-free dispatching, so you don’t have to worry about your freight. For a reliable solution, you can contact Global Express Carriers, as we ensure smooth dispatching. Visit the website Global Express Carriers to learn more about our services.  


Trux, E.L.I.Z.A.B.E.T.H. .S.H.O.L.E.S. (2021, 18th October). TOP 8 REASONS DUMP TRUCK DISPATCHERS ARE BURNING OUT. [Weblog]. Retrieved 11 January 2023, from

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